Home Tax Defense landing page

I admit it, I hate paying taxes. As a result, I protest my property taxes each year. I have a template I in use Microsoft Word; I take last year's protest file I built, look at the deductions/projects I listed as a justification to request an adjustment to my assessed property value. I update the file accordingly, print it, take it to my protest hearing. Works year after year to lower my assessed value, and consequently, my property taxes.

Unfortunately, somewhere in between protesting my property taxes 2 years ago and last year, my laptop died and I added a new computer. Well, I not only didn't have word installed on my new one, I also didn't have the property tax file on there. My once simple protest project turned into a nightmare, since I also had to purchase (rent?) Microsoft Word (my last version I 'owned' was the 2013 version, ha!)

Well, nothing seems to motivate me as much as the feeling that I am wasting money, so I figured there was a better way to protest my property taxes than paying MSFT and the politicians... and that would be a web interface (and eventually mobile app) to keep track of my project list, costing, and whenever needed, print me a protest packet.

So, this is a web app born of my own need. It has legs for a standalone business, too, so plans are to take it into production. I've got the domain name and am tweaking out the interface. Robust security, production quality user interface, professional graphics, and attorney roll-in are all in the plans.

Future versions are to develop this as a true mobile app, with 100% integration to the web interface. Also, monetization schemes are being considered.

Pretty slick little idea, if I say so myself. You might even say it is protest-tacular!

I present to you, Home Tax Defense!

Development Status: In development View project in development

due done description
12/15 Start Project - conceptual build
12/31 12/31 storyboarding and user click through build out
1/7 1/7 Database design, security requirements, build out
3/15 3/15 Initial full site build, connected, initial testing
3/31 -- User interface tweaks and user testing
4/30 -- Targeted release day for web app